We can never be sure what’s waiting for us round the next corner. It could be great. But sometimes, life throws the unthinkable at us. Many of us will know of someone who has died young
or even heard of someone’s battle to survive a serious illness.
When you have a family, your priorities change. Instead of thinking only of yourself – you’re dedicated to looking after your family and their needs. What would happen if you or your partner
were to die, suffer a serious illness or be unable to work due to an illness or injury.
While protection insurance cant stop the unthinkable from happening, it can ensure your family have enough money to deal with the financial uncertainty and hardship that comes with unexpected illness or death. Spending a small amount on life assurance, serious illness and income protection means that you can provide for the needs of your family if something was to happen to you or your partner.
Some of the plans we offer
Mortgage Protection
Mortgage protection or decreasing term assurance provides a lump sum payment on death, this usually reduces in line with your mortgage and is used to pay off your mortgage on your death. Can be set up on a single, joint or dual life basis.
Family protection Plan
Your family protection plan will be tailored to cover your specific needs, life assurance, serious illness, cancer cover, personal accident, hospital cover and children’s benefits. You can choose to add additional benefits such as indexation, guaranteed insurability and medical free conversion.
Guaranteed Whole of Life
This is a whole of life policy with guaranteed benefit amount and premium from the start date, you can choose to pay the premiums over a set term. i.e. 20 years or choose a lower continued premium option.
Over 50 Life Assurance
This provides a whole of life benefit of up to €25,000, your guaranteed to get cover as no medical evidence is required, This policy can be taken out between the ages of 50 and 75. Premiums are paid until age 90.
Personal / Executive Pension Term Assurance
Pension Term Assurance is available to sole traders, company directors and employees. This type of life assurance policy allows you to claim tax relief on the premiums you pay. Depending on your employment status, you can be eligible for Personal Pension Term Assurance or Executive Pension Term Assurance.
Income protection cover
What would happen if you were unable to return to work due to an illness, accident or injury? Income protection can provide a monthly income that will continue to be paid until you can return to work or to your chosen retirement age. You can also receive tax relief on the premiums that you pay.
Business Protection Assurance
If something was to happen to a director, partner or key employee, this could have a significant impact on your business. This cover is design to provide financial security in the event of a death, illness or injury to a key member of staff.